July 13, 2023 - our first sample table we setup at a local gym in Dayton, OH. At this point, the business was backed by 2 guys who loved nothing more than the fitness scene and entrepreneurship. It was known that the product was good, but the wildfire effect it would have couldn't have been forecasted by Elon Musk himself. Finding 7 new customers at this table after a 10 hour day felt like a victory neither of us had experienced before. It was an ungraspable concept to us that people really liked our product enough to trade their hard-earned money for it. It didn't take long to realize that the incredible flavor of the protein was only half of it, the other half being the personality / underlying message the brand portrayed: "Life's Too Short". With many confused as to why they were drinking protein powders that tasted "edible" at best, the believers began to accumulate - which sparked a dangerous amount of entrepreneurial optimism...

Going All In
August 25, 2023 - invested into our first "big" batch of bags. We emptied our pockets from our last 2 month's earnings into making 96 bags. This was when we realized just how risky this new hobby of ours was; but we were there to see it through. With motivation, excitement, and grit through the roof - we were able to find 96 new homes to relocate our bags to in just 3 measly weeks. This was when we decided to truly go all in, anddrop out of collegeto pursue this dream full time. Many close ones resented before supporting us in chasing this fantasy lifestyle of ours, after all, 9/10 businesses fail in their first year alone. But we already had our scopes locked and loaded.

Building The Team
January 16th, 2024 - The "Orion RV" that expanded us from our hometown.Traveling was expensive, especially when traveling to new states with hotel costs. This was our way of minimizing these expenses. It was at this point Matt provided his RV for the team to use to setup sample tables in new gyms, extending our reach much further than before. Within the first 2 months of having this sexy ride to transport our goods, we stayed in cities such as Chicago, Pittsburg, Louisville, Indianapolis, and other cities we came across. The "Orion Tour" we called it, as this truly was the first time we were always traveling. With seemingly no end in site of this crazy lifestyle - we eventually found our flow, and changed tactics to travel independently with our own cars instead of the 6 MPG boat of ours. This allowed us to be in multiple states at the same time, which was a huge success to the growth of Orion.

Scaling the Business
April 28th, 2024 - Our shared living space filled with shaker bottles. While still expanding the team, we invested lots of money into lots of product seeing as we were always running out quicker than expected. 1800 shaker bottles were sitting in our living room this day. To many this may seem small, but staring at where our couch was supposed to be, we felt as though we finally had a real business.
Why do we show these not-so-pretty sides of our business? We believe in authenticity, and even further than that, true transparency. When you decide to use our protein powder instead of another larger companies', we believe you deserve to know everything that you're paying for, and the mission that you're contributing to - It's the least we can do to say thank you. Seeing your faces light up as your try our flavors for the first time is what keeps us pushing everyday. We consider ourselves so lucky to be in the position to offer this kind of satisfaction to other people. To this day, we've sold more than 14,000 bags of our infamous protein powder. Although we hope to grow out of our startup phase eventually, traveling and making connections with you guys will always be the roots of this company.
This is not the end of this story, as a matter of fact, it's just the beginning. So live every day like "Life's Too Short".